by Elodie | Mar 31, 2021 | Uncategorised
Join us for a discussion around why we should care about bugs and eat them to save our planet! Guest speakers: Morgane Merien, The Bug Hunter. Alessio Guarino, the Scientific Attache at the French Embassy in New Zealand. Where ? Alliance Francaise Dunedin 15 bond...
by Elodie | Mar 30, 2021 | Uncategorised
Café des Idées – Science in Conversation In 2020, the Alliance Française “Café Scientifique” becomes “Café des Idées – Science in Conversation” jointly organised with FAST!* and the Embassy of...
by Elodie | Feb 25, 2021 | Uncategorised
We will have the Annual General Assembly of the society on Friday 5th March 2021 @ 2pm. Please join us via Zoom through the following link: 076659 To date, we are trying to organise...
by Elodie | Nov 24, 2020 | Uncategorised
Paris Agreement: Are we there yet? A Panel Discussion to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the COP21 Friday 11th December 2020 from 2pm Christchurch and Wellington FAST! is organizing two panel discussions in Wellington and Christchurch with experts in climate,...
by Elodie | Nov 9, 2020 | Uncategorised
Interested in Marine Science, Ecology, Environment and FRANCE! Join Ifremer for your Post-Doc! The French National Institute for Ocean Science, Ifremer, offers funding for post-doctoral research positions. For the year 2021, Ifremer offers a dozen post-doctoral...
by Elodie | Nov 3, 2020 | Uncategorised
In partnership with Alliance Française Wellington, we invite you to join the conversation with Anne Escalle and Herve Quenol on the Adaptation of Vineyards to climate change. The new format of the café scientifique “cybercafé des idées” offers the possibility to...
by Elodie | Aug 22, 2020 | Uncategorised
A second 2020 Pacific Fund call for application is now open until the 6th Septembre 2020. To be eligible, the project must involve a New Zealand partner (who must submit the proposal) and involve at least one partner from New Caledonia, French Polynesia or Wallis and...
by Elodie | Aug 22, 2020 | Uncategorised
The F2RP call for applications is now open until the 6 September 2020 to support the attendance or the development of a France-related scientific project or event by a New Zealand based researcher, student, institution or association. Four grants will be awarded to...
by Fabien Montiel | Jul 17, 2020 | Uncategorised
On 30th June 2020 INRAE and Science New Zealand formalised their aspirations through signing an agreement to enhance joint projects, scientific exchange and talent development. This was a joint commitment to enhancing cooperation at a strategic level, building on a...
by Fabien Montiel | Jun 26, 2020 | Uncategorised
In partnership with Alliance Française Wellington, we invite you to join the conversation with Simon Jean and Nicola Kiri Smith on the repatriation of Toi moko from France back to New Zealand. The new format of the café scientifique “cybercafé des idées” offers the...
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