Reframing our relationship with Nature

FAST! Christchurch members,
It’s been a while since we’ve managed to get together…. We have two forthcoming opportunities to remedy this.
- the screening above, organised by FAST! and Alliance Française de Christchurch next Monday at Lumière Cinemas. I will be at the cinéma from 5pm in the bar room of the cinéma (upstairs – level 2). N.B.: We will attempt to hook in the director of the movie at the end of the screening (which last only 45mn).
- the Alliance Française Apéro this Friday: The Alliance Française is hosting this Friday, as part of their monthly apéro, Yasmine Attoumane, a visual artist (this will be held in their headquarters on Cashel St – good to let them know in advance if you are coming for catering purpose). Check on their website: (you can also book the screening via the site)
Yasmine is a visual artist from the Reunion Island, who explores cultural connections and explore representations of rivers in aboriginal cultures of Reunion. Hence the idea of screening the documentary on the Whanganui River as it fits perfectly with her interest.
I hope to see you all at least at one of the two events, or even better, at both! Philippe
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