Dumont d’Urville’s call for applications for projects starting in 2023 is now open until July 21, 2022. The programme aims at fostering new partnerships and developing science and technology exchanges between research laboratories of excellence.
Dumont d’Urville is the French-New Zealand sub-programme of the Hubert Curien international partnership programme. Each year, the Dumont d’Urville programme supports the mobility of researchers between France and New Zealand.
Created in November 2005, this programme is co-financed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), together with the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Since its creation, more than sixty-five projects have benefited from a Dumont d’Urville.
The programme aims at fostering new partnerships and developing science and technology exchanges between research laboratories of excellence. All scientific fields are eligible. The participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged.

Call for application for projects starting in 2023
Eligible expenses
For the New Zealand partner: Up to $80 000 in total per project for up to two years for travel, research expenses, expenses related to hosting workshops.
For the French partner: 10 000 EUR/year/project for travel and daily expenses, within the following limits:
• Per diem: 180 EUR/day/person
• Air fares: return ticket France/New Zealand directly payed by Campus France, or refunded in the limit of 1600 EUR/return air fare/person
Projects can last one or two years.
The French fund is provided on a yearly basis. It must be used before the 31st of December each year and cannot be reported to the following year.
Annual Call timeline
Closing date: 21 July 2022
Results: November 2022
Starting date of projects: January 2023
Submit an application
To be eligible, a project must be submitted twice:
1. The New Zealand partner must submit an application to the Royal Society Te Apārangi.
2. The French group must submit an application to Campus France.
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