Tuesday 19 November 2019 11 am to 5 pm
Center for Innovation, University of Otago, Dunedin
We are pleased to announce that the 3rd workshop and Annual General Assembly of the France Aotearoa Science, Technology and !nnovation (Fast!) Society will be held on Tuesday 19 November at the University of Otago in Dunedin. The event will include presentations from Prof David Bryant (Mathematics), Prof Greg Anderson (Anatomy) and Dr Pascal Sirguey (Surveying), who are actively involved in France-New Zealand collaborations, as well as the student laureates of last year’s Fast! awards. The workshop and AGM will provide opportunities to discuss our strategy for the years to come. We need to review our activities, plan future ones, find new keen members to implement them. The outcome of the day will be critical to take us into our third year.

Everyone with an interest in the future of the society is strongly encouraged to join us.
This is your chance to contribute to Fast!
The AGM will be held at the same location at 3pm.
The day will be fully catered and will end with a cheese and Otago wine testing event!
An Agenda will soon follow…
Please register through: http://eventbrite.co.nz/e/75780484469 by 31 October.
Or send any query to francenzst@gmail.com (please use “Fast! Workshop 2019” in the Subject line)
We really look forward to welcoming you for this important event.
The FAST! Organizing committee
Elodie Desroziers and Fabien Montiel (co-Chairs)
Geoffroy Lamarche, President
Caroline Holden, Secretary
Mathieu Sellier, Treasurer
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